Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I IMMEDIATELY regret this decision...

Apparently I've decided to start a blog.  I've titled it "Things I Think I Think" (which I stole from SI's Peter King).  I'm imagining that I will comment on or rant about whatever is on my mind around 2am most nights.  We'll see how it works out.  I've enjoyed reading other peoples blogs from time to time, and while I don't imagine too many other people caring about mine, it seems a lot less lame than "journaling". 

This initial post is really just a test piece to give me something to play with for formatting purposes.  I'm sure I could think of lots of things to talk about tonight, but there's really nothing jumping out at me.  That said...
  • The Casey Anthony trial ended today with what was basically an acquittal.  I just don't care.  I can't understand what the fascination is with this one.  I didn't watch any of the trial, only bits of the coverage.  I think she did it, I think her parents were probably complicit to some degree, and I just don't care.
  • America should really be paying closer attention to the NLRBs attempt to stop Boeing from opening a plant in South Carolina.  I'm sure I'll write more on this at some point, but for all the trivial things our media covers and all the minutia that we tend to get worked up about, this issue is HUGE and no one seems to care.
  • My cat is EXTREMELY cute, but his insistence on curling up in my lap when I'm in the office makes me very inefficient.  
I'm now going to insert an image for test purposes.  Don't laugh, this is all new to me.

  My wife Branelle and I in Greece last fall. 

Alright, post #1 is in the books. 


  1. Perhaps not a really comment, but AHHH!! Good times in Greece!!!

  2. Oh - and Double Dubs would be short for WW or Wes Wu.
