Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Hobby Lobby vs Obamacare

Hobby Lobby vs. Obamacare

A lot of my Facebook peeps have been posting in support of Hobby Lobby and their lawsuit against specific sections of the Affordable Healthcare Act.  While I make it a rule (for the most part) to stay out of politics on this blog and on Facebook, I thought I'd write a quick one on this issue simply because I don't think people have thought this through.

Hobby Lobby's suit asserts that the religious beliefs of its owners should relieve them from providing contraception and the "morning after" and "week after" pills to their employees, as required under Obamacare.  They aren't the only ones taking issue with this provision.  A number of lawsuits (now up to 45) have been filed against the rule in the Affordable Care Act that requires employers of 50 or more full time employees to cover contraception, including emergency contraception, with no cost-sharing. While the DOJ has announced that new rules would be released in the first three months of 2013 offering further exceptions to the rule for religiously affiliated organizations, they have made it clear in oral arguments that the government does not intend to allow for-profit business owners to deny their employee’s contraception coverage due to their personal religious objections.

My Opinion:

From a legal standpoint, I think the courts and the DOJ are 100% correct.  Making the case that Hobby Lobby is a religious organization based on the beliefs of its owners and that they play Christian music and close on Sunday's is ridiculous.  Hobby Lobby is a "for-profit" business.  If you aren't sure about that, just check the Forbes list where you'll find founder and CEO David Green at #79 with a net worth of around $4.5 BILLION!

But that's not really the biggest reason to hope the Supreme Court upholds the Appeals Court ruling against Hobby Lobby.  Keep in mind that the laws of this country are very clear when addressing religion in that ALL religions are covered.  If you allow Hobby Lobby to make their own rules based on the Christian beliefs of their owner, then you MUST allow other organizations to do the same based on THEIR owners beliefs.  Just Google "Sharia Law" and see if you can find a few things in there that might not jive with the Affordable Care Act or a number of other legislative pieces.  And Islam is just one of the religions that would be drooling over a high court ruling that softens the "separation of church and state".  Nightmare!

Additionally, before you start feeling sorry for Hobby Lobby, keep in mind that what they're suing to prevent, they've been providing ALL ALONG!  Their company health policy has provided the same contraceptive drugs and procedures for years that they are now railing against in the Affordable Care Act.  

Full Disclosure:  I think the Affordable Care Act - "Obamacare" - is a HORRIBLE piece of legislation for many reasons - I'm certainly not defending it.  Also, I like Hobby Lobby - we shop there all the time.  I couldn't care less that they operate with "Christian Values" (in fact, it's kind of annoying because they close on Sundays), I just think they have a nice selection of frames and their garland is a little fluffier than the stuff at Garden Ridge.

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