Wednesday, April 24, 2013

10 Movies So Bad They're Actually Good

I was flipping channels the other day when I came across Grease 2.  Branelle said she'd never seen it and I told her "it was so bad that it was actually pretty good".  I got to thinking about other movies that might fit that description.  There are a lot of BAD movies out there, but while the following movies are bad for whatever reason (low budget, bad acting, terrible plot, all of the above) they are actually good - or at least worth watching.  In no particular order:

Grease 2 (1982)

I'm probably one of the few people on earth that thinks Grease 2 was better than Grease.  They're both pretty bad, but 2 finds a way to be bad in an unapologetic way.  It's a musical, and just about every musical is a "bad movie" in my opinion, but this one seems fun to me.  This is also the first big movie role for Michelle Pfeiffer, a year before she did Scarface, and yes, she sings in this one…a lot.

Not Another Teen Movie (2001)

I hate the genre (whatever it's called) of movies that just spoof a bunch of other movies.  My biggest problem with them is that they dumb them down so much that they end up having to explain their own jokes in the movie.  This one does that a little bit as well, but for some reason I find it to be clever and amusing.  You'll see a lot of faces you know in this picture, including Chris Evans and Jaime Pressly.

Out Cold (2001)

Another 'gem' from 2001, Out Cold is low budget, has a predictable and weak plot, and isn't plagued by great acting performances.  That said, it's fun.  Once you get past the fact that you aren't watching The Godfather or Forrest Gump, it's entertaining enough to overcome how stupid and bad it really is.  This movie includes a young Zach Galifianakis (who looks just like the present Zach Galifianakis) and answers the question of what happened to Jason London (remember Pink, from Dazed and Confused?).  

Starship Troopers (1997)

It's not impossible for a comedy to be so bad that it's actually good, it just needs to make you laugh.  Sci-Fi, on the other hand, is nearly impossible to make bad enough to be good.  Starship Troopers pulls it off, barely, by keeping you just interested enough in the action and story to make you look past the HORRIBLE acting and ridiculous plot.  Ignore the writers weak attempt at an anti-war statement and just watch the "Citizens" defend Earth by killing bugs.  No great actors cut their teeth in this one, but it does have Neil Patrick Harris in a role I'm sure he'd rather forget.  Warning:  They made a Starship Troopers 2 and ST3.  They aren't "so bad they're actually good", they're just BAD!

You Don't Mess With The Zohan (2008)

Adam Sandler movies are hit & miss with me.  This is one of my favorites, and it's really bad (see how this works?).  Zohan is a Mossad agent who comes to America because he's tired of all the fighting and really just wants to cut hair.  It's got a funny cast - John Turturro, Rob Schneider, Nick Swardson to name a few - and some great cameos by people like Maria Carey and John McEnroe.  It's ridiculous and stupid, but it's extremely funny and has a lot of good subtle humor.

The New Guy (2002)

Another stupid teen comedy, The New Guy follows the predictable story of a nerd who transfers to a new school with the goal of recreating his image.  This one is harmless fun, and there's a moral at the end to be sure, but it's got some funny parts.  The biggest issue is probably that DJ Qualls, although likeable enough, just isn't leading man material.  Still, as far as bad movies go, this one will make you laugh.   

Broken Lizard's Club Dread (2004)

From the comedy group that brought us one of the all time great movies, Super Troopers, comes Club Dread.  It's nothing more than a fairly bad horror spoof, but the guys are clever and amusing and while their characters are a bit annoying it keeps you laughing. 

Rock of Ages (2012)

I just watched this one the other day.  Now, I'm sure there are some people out there that will say this is actually a GOOD movie.  They would be incorrect.  It's a bad movie, but it's so bad that it's actually fun!  It's got a HUGE cast, and they do a good job.  The music is pretty good too, but any movie where characters are consistently breaking out in song is, by definition, a BAD MOVIE.  I've never seen the play, but it's probably just as much fun. 

Fired Up (2009)

Admittedly, this one gets a two point bump from me because it's full of cheerleaders, but aside from that it's a lot of fun.  It's a bad movie, but it's entertaining and will certainly make you laugh.  Sadly (for my wife anyway), I think I picked up a lot of "lines" from this one.  Panthers OUT!

Undercover Brother (2002)
I think this is one of the best bad movies ever.  It's hilarious!  Eddie Griffin is funny, but all of the supporting characters have their moments.  I especially like Neil Patrick Harris as "Lance", the only white guy working at The B.R.O.T.H.E.R.H.O.O.D. (affirmative action).  "You mess with the fro, you got to go!"

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