Wednesday, September 7, 2016

1980 Jeep Cherokee Chief

1980 Jeep Cherokee Chief

There are a few cars I've owned that I never took pictures of for some reason.  I didn't include most of them in the 'Random Generator' program because who would want to read a car blog without pictures?  I made an exception for this Cherokee because it was my first ever truck.  This picture is exactly what it looked like, right down to the white wheels.  I bought it for a few thousand dollars from a Wichita Falls used car dealer because I had agreed to help my friend Andrew out by covering his lawn business while he was busy one summer.  It was an automatic 4X4 with really good working AC.  The interior was a sort of brown tweed, and it had indoor / outdoor carpeting - basically turf that you could hose down if it got dirty.  

Andrew and I were hauling an old Oldsmobile engine for his jet boat from the junkyard one day and the motor actually rolled over inside the truck when we hit the brakes too hard.  It spilled oil all over the place.  We just went to Home Depot, bought some more turf, and bolted it in.  

This thing turned out to be a great truck.  It was just ugly enough to where you didn't worry about hurting it but still worked great.  I kept it for a few years but sold it sometime while I was in college. I have actually been looking at these lately and have even tried to buy a couple. 

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