Friday, August 4, 2017

Guest House Construction: Part 31

Guest House Construction: Part 31

I've been out of town for a while and haven't updated the build progress.  There hasn't been much to be honest, but here goes.  

After we got all the cabinets in the trim guy came back out and knocked a few things off the list. Primarily this consisted of adding baseboards to areas he hadn't already done like the laundry room....

...and master bath.  He's still got some things to do (uh-oh) but hopefully he'll get them done quickly.

The electricians came out and finished everything on their list - I think.  This included installing the microwave.  You can also see the undercabinet light strips that they wired in for me.  I came out and attached them all myself to finish it.  Since the electricians were done, the insulation guys came out and did all the blow in stuff.  They had used batting in most areas but there were a few that just required blow in.  

Getting the gas line installed was a big deal as it was the last utility / digging item to be completed.  It took a few days but it's in the ground all the way from the meter to the guest house.

Basically it involved digging a big, long trench, laying a large grounded gas line in it, waiting for an inspection, and then covering it up.

At the moment it's not connected on either end.  Our addition and pool require us to install a new, much larger gas meter and the gas company won't do that until the pool is full of water and ready to be turned on.

Anytime you have to wait on an inspection you look for these little green tags to show up.  We've passed every inspection on the first attempt.

Another big step was getting the AC actually turned on.  The AC company brought out the compressors and hooked them up.  Both units work really well so far, and we don't even have a sealable front door yet.

These are better units than the ones on the main house.

Other than that, just a few little odds and ends have been done.  We were waiting on the front door to show up before the trim guy would come back out.  It did - he didn't.

Next we were told we were waiting on a few extra trim pieces to be delivered before he would come out.  Here it is.  It was dropped off yesterday so we'll see when he shows up.

The last item is just labor for me.  We have all this great walk-in attic space upstairs that will make fantastic storage.  Now that the insulation is in but there is no carpet yet, it's perfect for me to do some decking work in the attics.  I went out and bought 15 sheets of plywood and so far they've made it as far as the garage.

We're getting close.  I need to see the trim guy so we can get the front door on and finish up all the rest of his projects.  We need garage doors - not sure when that happens.  We also need all the driveways poured.  Our builder is waiting to do that until after the pool gets plastered so they don't drive their big trucks on new driveways.  The driveway is a real mess right now and it's very frustrating.  

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