Monday, May 22, 2017

Guest House Construction: Part 23

Guest House Construction: Part 23

At the end of last weeks update I stated that "I'm hopeful that a brick crew will wake me up bright and early Monday morning."  Good news - that's exactly what happened!  I've been waiting for brick to go up for over a month.  It's actually an interesting process.  I guess I thought they would just start at the bottom and stack bricks until they got to the top.  There's a lot more to it than that.  They use these special poles and string to make sure that each row is going up evenly.  It's quite involved, but they do move fast.

They started on one side and just worked their way around the house.  When they have a larger crew, they get a lot covered.  When there's just two guys, not so much.

They got about 3/4 of the way around the house this week.  They didn't show up one day, but they told me they weren't going to so no issues.  A guy came out this weekend and did some kind of wash job on the completed sides.  I'm guessing the brick guys can finish in about two more days.  Rain has washed out Monday of this week already, so hopefully they can get back at it tomorrow.

Unfortunately, not much else happened this week on the house (which is why I'm desperate for pictures).  I helped my builder take all the cabinets in from the garage and put them where they need to be in the house.  The good news is that a guy is supposed to come install them.  That bad news is I think it's the same guy that took three weeks to do the trim work.  I'm not feeling great about it, but there's not much I can do.

Mildly exciting, but not really, are the porch lights.  It's the first thing we've built that actually has power.  Unfortunately, that's just because they are on a three-way that is drawing power from the main house.  Still, it's something.

The only other thing that happened this week is that we ran data and cable wires between the two houses.  My builder told me that he was going to have the crew come out and finish sealing up the porch and walkway on Monday, so this weekend we went and bought cable to run from the main house attic to the guest house.  It wasn't an easy job, but now that the wires are there we should be able to just run the guest house cable, internet, and security on our current set up instead of having separate services for it.  It gives us options anyway.  

That's it.  This coming week I would hope that the brick guys finish up and that the cabinets are installed.  I will also be pushing to get the electric service to the house.  It looks like we may lose power to our main house for 3-4 days while this happens (don't even get me started on that one).  We'll see.

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