Wednesday, September 5, 2012

2001 BMW X5 4.4i

Random Vehicle Blog tonight…….spinning…….and the selection is….

2001 BMW X5 4.4i

It's probably not correct to call the X5 a truck.  In fact, BMW doesn't refer to the vehicle as an SUV because it's not designed with the "U" (utility) in mind.  I loved this thing for what it was - a sports car with a truck body.  This one looked great with the 18" chromed rims and a very striking white / black color combo.

The X5 handles like a sports car and accelerated better than any SUV I'd owned to that date.  The interior is virtually like any and every BMW sedan you have seen, just a bit taller.  The rear storage compartment isn't useless by any means, but you won't be hauling sheets of plywood back there.  For the urban professional who still wants to carry a pet or other small items around, this truck has an unbeatable coolness factor.

I sold this truck to a doctor in St. Louis after about a year.  I actually bought another one in '05 with 20" rims, but never took a single picture of it so it won't make the Random Vehicle Blog.

1 comment:

  1. BMW is one of those luxury car brands which cars are greatly bought by Indian and these cars are not for everyday commute, but their buyers would buy them for status and not really for everyday use.BMW X series is very famous in India .Now the launching of BMW X5 series will establish BMW in India in more pronounced manner.
