Thursday, October 11, 2012

Rants for October......

Some "things I think I think" for October:

  • I think (actually I know) I can't stand "gym germaphobes".  These are the guys (or girls) who wipe down every machine with an antiseptic cloth before and after they use it while working out at the gym.  I'm not much of a gym rat, but I was rehabbing recently and there were always a few of these guys there.  It actually makes me feel a little bad for NOT doing it.  If you don't want to touch anything that's been touched by other sweaty people, DON'T GO TO THE GYM!  That's all there is there - people sweating and touching stuff. 
  • I think whoever is in charge of our local post office should be fired.  We live in a very affluent area with one of the highest average education levels in the entire country and our local post office looks like an abandoned soup kitchen.  It's always dirty with trash everywhere.  The building itself is in disrepair.  They never have supplies stocked.  The automated machines are broken half the time.  The people working there are usually surly at best.  They take breaks at lunch time when there is a line out the door.  It's ridiculous!  If you were knocked out and woke up in this post office I swear you would guess you were in downtown Detroit, not Clear Lake City, Texas!
  • I think this "pay it forward" thing is stupid.  A lot of people seem to think this is a cool thing, including my wife, but I can't stand it.  You know what I'm talking about:  someone going through a drive through - usually at a Starbucks or something like that - pays for their order and the car behind them.  The next car then pulls up to find that their order was already paid for so they pay for the one behind them, and so on, and so forth..... I just want to order what I want, pay for it and go.  I don't need some fake good Samaritan moment to make me feel better about myself (it's fake because only the first guy actually did anything good without getting anything in return).  I hate it.  If the person in front of me wants to buy me a hot chocolate, that's his business but the chain stops when I pull through.
  • I think someone needs to tell Joel McHale that skinny ties are NOT cool.  Joel, I'm a big fan of Community and The Soup, but whoever keeps giving you those stupid skinny ties isn't doing you any favors.
  • I think someone is going to have to explain to me how immigration is a racial issue.  There are only two things that will get me really worked up.  One is animal cruelty and the other is racism.  I can't stand either.  I also happen to have a VERY strong stance against illegal immigration.  Let's be honest about it.  When we're talking about immigration, we're really talking about Mexico.  I don't think we have a serious problem with Canadians heading south without wanting to pay taxes or learn English.  I think we should have a military border along Mexico.  That said, I don't give a damn about the color of the immigrants skin.  I care about the effect their presence has on our socioeconomic climate.  I don't blame them for wanting to come here.  If I were Mexican I'd probably do the same thing, but I'm not.  I am, however, the grandson of LEGAL immigrants who wanted to come to America to BE American, not just to USE America.  I live in Texas, a state that is overrun with illegals, and I can tell you that while there are probably many who come here with the best intentions and would love to be Americans and assimilate into our culture, the vast majority do not.  They don't particularly like the US and are here to use it for it's opportunities.  Why do we make it easy on them?  I think we should just adopt the immigration laws that Mexico has.  That would be fair wouldn't it?  Regardless, I don't see how race has ANYTHING to do with immigration.  If Canadians started flooding the border and refusing to drop their maple leafs or give up the metric system, I'd have the same problem with them that I do with our neighbors to the south, and most of them are white as can be.  Immigration isn't a racial issue, and in fact, if you think immigration IS a racial issue, you very well might be racist yourself.
  • I think it's probably never OK for guys to wear v-neck tee shirts.  I'm no fashion guru, but don't v-necks look kind of, well, girly?               

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