Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Master Bath Remodel: Part 4

I'm pretty sure there's something productive I'm supposed to be doing, but in the spirit of procrastination I'll put up some pictures of our master bath remodel from the final stages.  I'll leave the chatter out and just make a few comments.

We had the drywall guys come out and close up the ceiling and match that fantastic texture, then we went to work on adding finishing trim and molding.  Trim is very important - if done well it can hide a lot of defects.

The granite guys were next.  Here they have a plywood base cut for the counter ready for a heavy slab of granite.  I tried to talk Nel into letting me keep that original wallpaper that was behind the mirror, but she obviously has no style.

Our granite guys spent all day cutting and finishing this piece from a raw slab and when they were carrying it in they broke it!  They felt horrible, but I felt worse for them because they ended up spending the entire next day doing the same thing and ate the costs.

After the granite was in, our painters spent a couple days doing their thing.  Branelle and I decided to use the same accent tile from the shower to sort of frame out the mirror.

Our deal is that I hang the tile and Nel does the grout work.  I certainly get the best end of that deal.  She's really good at it though - legitimately better than the professional tile guys.  It's probably because she cares more....or maybe she's found a trade she can fall back on when she's done playing rocket scientist. 

With that done, all we really had to wait for was shower glass.

While waiting for the glass to be made, I went to work on mounting the mirror.  I decided to mount it so it would be "floating" just over the stone.  I used thin plywood as a base and when it was time to hang the mirror I had Barry come over and give me a hand.  It went up smooth and easy.  I also mounted a light fixture (in this picture it has three different covers because we hadn't decided which to use yet).

Once again, the guys from Delta Glass did a great job.  We went with a thick frame-less glass with a balanced door. 

Finished product (sort of - we added towel bars, replaced toilet, etc. since taking these pictures).  It's hard to take shots of a bathroom, but you get the idea.  I think it turned out OK.  We have a much better shower and more storage space and all of our internals are now new and improved.

The dual showers work well.  You don't lose any water pressure if you run them at the same time. 

1 comment:

  1. We are doing the same thing but paid a contractor to do the whole thing. Yours looks good!
