Wednesday, December 7, 2016

2006 Volkswagen Jetta

2006 Volkswagen Jetta

This 2006 Jetta came as part of the “New Girlfriend Package” and technically I never owned it, but it was under my roof for quite a bit so I’ll claim it.  It’s not the first time I’ve ended up with a car this way, but since I married this one I imagine it will be the last. 

This was my first Volkswagen, and one of only two I’ve had to date.  It was what I would call “basic transportation”, but it wasn’t bad for a simple car.  

My wife bought this car new.  Had she been dating me at the time it probably wouldn’t have happened.  That said, I can see the appeal to a young engineer.  It was fairly reliable, had a low cost of ownership, and was economical to boot (those are three qualities that I don’t typically rate important when buying a car).  She loved it though, and named it Wendy! 

Wendy hung around for a while, but ultimately my stable of less reliable and less economical (but much more interesting) rides won out and we agreed the Jetta was no longer needed.  We sold her to a good home, and I turned my wife into a car snob (her words, not mine). 

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