Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Guest House Construction: Part 19

Guest House Construction:  Part 19

It's been over a month since I updated the progress on our guest house.  That's in part because I've been lazy, but really there just hasn't been much progress to update.  I'm just going to catch up with a quick pictorial post and try to update every couple weeks or so going forward.

In february when I last posted, we had all the drywall up.  A crew came in and did all the tape and texture work in about a week.  They basically tape all the seams, float any imperfections and just get the walls ready for paint.  We went with rounded edges on all the corners.

This is all the "mud" before they mixed it up.  It's a messy job, and kind of an art form (like most specialized steps in the building process).  It was mostly one guy, but he had help a few days.

As always, Samantha inspected the work as it went. 

We're getting close to starting to put finished surfaces in the house.  The cabinets are going to be manufactured (as opposed to building them on site).  The cabinet guy and our builder walked the place and wrote out what we needed to order.  We should have done this much earlier because it can take weeks to get these in.  I've been told that they're actually in now, but we aren't quite ready for them.

The brick can go on anytime at this point.  It's been delivered, and I was told it was being put on about half a dozen times, but it's still on the ground.

At one point, the brick was going to go on "as soon as mortar is delivered".  Here it is, but still no brick.

One day a crew actually came out and moved all the brick around the house and told me they were going to start on Monday.  They didn't.  My builder told me he hadn't actually hired them to do the job.  I'm guessing there were some wires crossed there.

After choosing cabinets, we got a slight head start and picked our granite slabs. The place our builder uses is on the other side of Houston (of course) but we have all of our slabs picked and ready for....whenever.

The doors and all of the trim wood got delivered, which was very exciting. They're actually going in now, but I'll cover that next time.  

The only other thing that's happened is that the posts for our patio extention have been set.  These things are big and they had to be set about six feet down.  We are going to be extending our existing patio and building a covered walkway between the main and guest houses.  

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