Saturday, August 20, 2011

1997 Toyota 4-Runner Limited

I had every intention of writing something interesting tonight, but I got busy doing other things and it's already nearly 3am so I'm going to my "mail it in" plan and doing a Random Vehicle Review.  The random selection program has given me another kind of pedestrian vehicle, so I'll be brief and in bed quickly.  

                   1997 Toyota 4-Runner Limited

I never really had any interest in these things but they were everywhere so I picked this one up for some reason.  I expected it to be a good running and dependable vehicle but it was really disappointing at first.  Ultimately, putting new tires on it fixed everything.  This was always my favorite color combination and package for the 4-Runner (which is probably why I bought it).  There are a lot of these on the road and they should run forever if cared for.  This one had nearly 60K miles on it when I got it but it was remarkably clean and certainly didn't show it's age.  I honestly don't remember where I bought this truck, but it was around for awhile.  I tried to talk my brother into buying it from me but I ended up selling it by parking it with a sign on it. 

I like the 4-Runner, but it doesn't really fit a need for me.  It rides like a truck, which is fine, but it's not quite big enough to do most truck things.  I would give this truck high marks for looks and reliability but it's not a luxury vehicle.        

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