Monday, June 12, 2017

Guest House Construction: Part 26

Guest House Construction: Part 26

There was some activity this week, with mixed results.  First off, since we got the cabinets in a couple weeks ago we are now ready for granite.  A guy came out and did all of the exact measurements for all of the granite on Monday.  We had picked out our slabs over a month ago, but our builder calls and says they no longer have them so we need to do it again.  I wasn't really surprised.  I knew we picked them too early and if he didn't pay for them they probably wouldn't hold them.  It took a trip back across town but these are our actual slabs that should be in the process of being cut right now.  It was a hassle, but I actually prefer the new ones to the ones we had selected before.

Bill informed me that he was going to come out and dig the water line on Wednesday.  He showed up and got the tractor in position and then.....left.  This thing sat here in our front yard all night before being moved to the back on Thursday where it still sits, having dug nothing.  Hopefully this changes soon. We have the sewer hooked up but still need gas, water, and electric....especially electric!

This actually happened a couple weeks ago, but I'm excited about it so I wanted to throw a pic of it in. I had the brick guys build me a brick mailbox.  I'm not sure why I like a good brick mailbox so much but I do.

Bill told me that the tile guys were going to start on Friday.  I don't get too excited about these comments anymore - maybe they will, maybe they won't, but in preparation for tile our plumber came out Wednesday evening and installed the liner.  It's one of those odd things that the city has to inspect for some reason so the plumber fills it with water and leaves it for the inspector.  He came out on Thursday and gave us the green sticker so it's good to go.  Funny note:  We came home from dinner on Wednesday and I noticed the truck so I headed in to take a look.  The plumber was working on this but he also had a young woman - wife, girlfriend, daughter, employee, I have no idea - helping him who was wearing a tight "going out" dress and heels.  She was actually helping with the liner, but she was dressed for a much more fun evening than she was having.

More evidence that the tile guys might show Friday occurred on Thursday when Bill showed up with a massive load of tile.  I heard him pull up and made the mistake of going out to see what was up.  I ended up helping him unload all of this tile.  It doesn't look like much, but that stuff is ridiculously heavy.

Much to my delight, the tile guys showed up bright and early Friday morning (and rang the doorbell until I got up).  Here they are discussing the job with my builder.

We decided to go with a wood look tile for all of the flooring.  They started at the front door and just headed back.

In two days they managed to make a pretty good dent in the flooring.  They almost finished the living room / kitchen and headed down the hall a ways as well.

Before leaving on Saturday they prepped the shower for tile.  Basically they added hardi-board over the liner and applied that waterproof red goop on the seams.  Most importantly they mudded in the floor so it's ready for tile.  

I think it's time for another trash run.  It's getting to where you can't even walk around in the garage anymore.  The pool guys took a bunch of stuff or this would be much worse.  

This is my contribution to trash pick up.  I bought this magnet on a stick thingy and I walk around picking up nails all the time.  I'm kind of obsessed with the nails.  They are everywhere!  We've lost one tire on one of our trucks and one on our mower so far, but I'm really worried about Samantha.  She likes to play around outside in the evenings and I just know a nail is going to get her so I try to keep them under control.  She plays, I snag nails.

I think we'll get a lot done this coming week.  I imagine the tile guys will finish and I would expect to see granite.  We had some discussions this week with the electric company so I think we're getting closer on that front.

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