Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Ruining House Hunters For You

Ruining House Hunters For You

You probably already know everything I'm about to tell you, but if you love House Hunters and don't want to know how it really works, don't read on.

A few years ago Branelle and I were looking for a house in a different city.  I'm not going to say where because I don't want to rat out our agent who was great. During the process he asked us if we wanted to be on House Hunters.  We're both big fans of the show and watch it quite often (primarily because as Texans it makes us feel a lot better about ourselves to watch people in other places paying $750K for a rundown place the size of my closet).  We initially thought it sounded interesting...until the process was explained to us.  

First, we had to actually buy a home.  That's right, the home the people pick is already theirs.  You close on a home and then they send a crew out to film you "shopping" for the home you already own as well as two others.  The two other homes you look at don't even have to be for sale.  They could be friends homes, or anything really.  

We were told they would shoot over four or five days and it would probably take most of the day at each location.  That's because they keep filming your reactions until they get something they like.  Basically they script drama, or at least some kind of dilemma.  I have no idea what they would have "scripted" for us.  Maybe something like "HE wants a big backyard and a place for his thimble collection.  SHE wants a kitchen that faces west and to be within walking distance of an Ethiopian restaurant."  I assume they make everything up, so why not?

After hearing the process we immediately said "no thanks".  I have no interest on being on TV really (except for 'The Amazing Race' - call me Phil!!) and I certainly don't want to fake buy a house while being told how to fake react to everything.  They don't even pay you.  I think it was something like $500 for the entire show.  The only reason you'd do it I guess is if you just really wanted to be on the tube.  

All that being said, I still like the show, but as a sort of interactive game show really - "What would you pick?"  As 'reality TV' it's a joke, and I don't enjoy it as much now that I know how it works.  I find myself judging how believable the participants are more than caring about the homes.  I also find it insulting when they pretend to be torn over their "decision".  


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